Total Security.

A stateful packet firewall, while essential, simply isn’t enough anymore. The reality is that everynetwork needs a full arsenal of scanning engines to protect against spyware and viruses, maliciousapps and data leakage – all the way through ransomware, botnets, advanced persistent threats,and zero day malware. A true network security solution will address all aspects of threat prevention,detection, correlation, and response – today, and as those threats evolve. WatchGuard’s award-winning network security platform not only provides the most complete suite of unified securitycontrols on the market today, but has consistently been the first to offer solutions for addressing newand evolving network threats including, but not limited to, advanced malware and ransomware.

Total Simplicity.

It’s more than just about security scanning engines, though. At WatchGuard, we believe simplicity isthe key to successful adoption of technology. As such, all of our products are not only easy to initiallyconfigure and deploy, they are also designed with an emphasis on centralized management, makingongoing policy and network management simple and straightforward. Security is complex, managingit doesn’t have to be.

Total Performance.

All businesses, regardless of size, need to pay attention to performance. Slow security scanningtimes can cripple a network’s ability to handle high-volume traffic. Some companies are forced todecrease protection to keep performance strong, but WatchGuard solutions never make you choosebetween security and speed. Leveraging the power of multi-core processing, WatchGuard’s platformis engineered to deliver the fastest throughput when it matters – with all security controls turnedon. Our platform can run all scanning engines simultaneously for maximum protection while stillmaintaining blazing fast throughput.

Total Visibility.

From the board room to the branch office, critical decisions about security often need to be madequickly before damage is done. Furthermore, you need to know what’s happening not just in thenetwork, but on your devices inside and outside the firewall as well.  Visibility is about more than data.Visibility is achieved when that data is converted into easily consumable, actionable information.The addition of the WatchGuard Host Sensor, available through Threat Detection and Response,provides continuous event monitoring, detection and remediation of threat activity on the endpoint.WatchGuard’s award-winning network visibility platform, Dimension, takes the data from all devicesacross your network and presents that data in the form of visually stunning, immediately actionableinformation. Using Dimension you can identify behavioral trends, pinpoint potential network threats,block inappropriate use, monitor network health and much more.Does your business need protection if so contact us today, we are able to provide a full range of Watchguard products and or Consultancy.