Is your business considering the cloud ? We can help cloud migration and address any questions and potential concerns you may have along hte way. Below is an outline for Commercial Networks approach to cloud migration:
Step 1 Audit
Before we consider a cloud migration we will work with you and your business to understand your exsisiting IT setup, the organisations It requirements and future plans you may have for growth of users and systems. This will enable us to idetify if a standard Cloud, Hybrid Cloud or physical solution best meets your needs.
Step 2 Recomendations
Following the audit we will provide you with recomendations on the best way to forward your organisations IT ensuring we have considered the future requirements. We will fully document are reasoning behind our recomedations and other solutions considered but were not suitable and why.
Step 3 Planning
When the recommendations have been reviewed and the way forward agreed we will work to create an implementation plan including timescales. The plan will outline if a phased aproach is required and, if any implementations that will take place outside of core working hours to avoid any potential or identified disruption.
Step 4 Implementation
Following the agreement of the implementation plan Commercial Networks will start work to implement it in line witht he plan and agreed timeframes.
Step 5 Review
Once the implementation is complete our team will continue to monitor your systems to ensure they are performing in line with expectations. You will also have a named contact should any potential issues arise.
Following implementation Commercial Networks can continue to provide support either Ad Hoc or via a contract should this be required.
To discuss your requirements or options call a member of our team on : 03334443455 or visit our contact us page