Tag Archive: hackers

Penetration Testing

We’re delighted to partner and refer Al W. at Mongoose Cyber Security to offer penetration testing. Mongoose [noun] – a slender, ferret-like carnivore. Noted especially for its ability to kill cobras and other venomous snakes. Mongoose Cyber Security, here to kill your cobras. We are a team of dedicated, ex-military professionals who believe that penetration testing can be done better. To a higher standard. ​Penetration testing should be accessible to all businesses, regardless of size or budget. That’s why we offer...

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Free Wifi – 10 Steps on How To Stay Safe

Poor phone signal or working in the local coffee shop and free wifi is a huge bonus, but is it safe? How should you keep your devices and data secure? 🚨 Check you have the correct network. A similar looking wifi name to that of the business could be directing you to connect to another network allowing the hacker to see what you’re surfing and if you enter login credentials or passwords they will be able to steal your information....

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Uncover the hidden: How do I know if I am on the Dark Web?

Overview If you’re wondering, “How do I know if I am on the Dark Web?”, with so many data breaches happening these days, it’s common to worry about whether your personal information, like your email address, has ended up on there. Hackers often sell stolen emails and passwords on the dark web, and if your email is there, it could be used for scams, identity theft, or unauthorised access to your accounts. The thought of your email floating around on...

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Act Now! Protect your Inbox from Phishing Email Threats Before It’s Too Late

Over three billion phishing emails are sent daily, how do you figure out what’s safe and what isn’t? What is a phishing email? How do you know you’ve been hacked? Suspicious about an email? Opening an email is usually fairly safe, its the links and attachments you have to be aware of. Do not reply to it, click any links or download any attachments that could be after personal details. If in doubt, don’t open it. You’ve opened a dubious...

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Have you had your data exposed?

Make Sure Your Router is Secure There’s a reason that browsers like Edge have added breached password notifications. Data breaches are an unfortunate part of life. And can have costly consequences for individuals. Hackers can steal identities and compromise bank accounts, just to name a couple. Cybercriminals breach about 4,800 websites every month with form jacking code. It has become all too common to hear of a large hotel chain or social media company exposing customer data. Hackers can breach...

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Small and Medium Businesses Are Attacked three times more than Larger Ones

Do you feel your more secure because your a small to medium business ? Maybe your thinking you have nothing that a hacker would want ? Why would they even know about your business ? A new report from a cyber security firm called Barracuda Networks crushes this. Their report analysed millions of emails across thousands of organisations just like yours. It discovered hat the small companies have a lot to worry about when it comes to IT security. Barracuda...

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What Type of Hackers are there and how are they Endangering Your Business Data? (And How to Protect Your Sensitive Info from Them)

Your data is pivotal to running a business. If you don’t have proper security measures in place, hackers can easily steal your data and take you out of business. Cybercriminals might be the biggest threat facing your company. Besides gaining access to your money and accounts, they can also take over critical software, preventing you from working with clients.  Any business can fall victim to hacking. However, small and medium businesses are particularly at risk even more so during the...

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